Leadership & Management

The true measure of value for any business leader or manager is performance.

Challenges for leaders and managers in organisations are increasingly complex. The business environment is fast-changing, and organisations need to adapt at break-neck speeds. Four generations, with different motivations and expectations, make up the modern organisation. Diversity in globalised markets and organisations is something to be leveraged on, yet few do so effectively. Despite the cacophony of challenges, leaders and managers must ultimately perform.

We believe in impactful leadership that creates a positive difference in people and organisations. And we’ve helped thousands of leaders to do it through our leadership training program.

Tags: Leadership Training In Malaysia 2024, leadership course Malaysia, leadership program Malaysia

Case Studies

18 months engagement covering Management Development Program, Supervisors Development Program and Executive Development Program.

Helped clients to prepare the leadership team to take the organization to a higher level.

A 24 months engagement covering Leadership Development through Coaching (for Global Leaders).

The intervention was to help some of the leaders deal with the changes within Intel Penang and how they can manage change for their team.

This 6-month Leadership Development Program involves pre-and post-assessment, skill workshops and 4 coaching sessions.

The content is driven by managers on what would help them to move forward to deliver their action plans.

18 months engagement covering Management Development Program, Supervisors Development Program and Executive Development Program.

Helped clients to prepare the leadership team to take the organization to a higher level.

Parker Hannifin

Customize and deliver Leadership training to top management.

Design competency model for middle management and rolled out training for all managers in China.
National Oilwell Varco

Leadership assessment as well as Senior managers’ training on leadership and performance management

A 12 months executive coaching engagement, assisting a Senior Regional Business Development Director from US transition to local environment.  Coached and resolved challenges in leading a diverse cultural team and doing business in Asia.
Rolled out Leadership Development to 71 pax Middle & Senior Management and 50 pax Line Management with 360 Pre & Post Competencies Assessment and equipping skills through identified gaps

Some of Our Clients


Our Leadership and Management Programs

Transformational Leadership

Driving Culture Change Through Leaders

In Transformational Leadership; the key word is to transform. Transform what? The transformation is from a position of getting things done through Compliance to getting results from Commitment. The difference between energy and motivation coming from a committed person as opposed to a compliant individual is apparent. Transformational leadership is about changing the way we work with our team and in doing so we get the team to change the way they work.

Whilst Management’s focus is internal – on benefits for the organisation: results, profitability, etc. The leader’s focus is on people – internally on motivation and increasing morale and externally on improving quality and customer service. Employees not only will enhance performance and productivity but also improve profits when they are committed and inspired to through effective leadership. It also involves the developing people as well.

To exercise transformational leadership; we are one has to make sure that the following processes are in place:

  • Vision: Have a vision of where they are going – of what they are going to achieve.
  • Plan: Leaders are not just dreamers; they turn their visions into achievable goals and objectives.
  • Communication: Communicate their plans in a way that generates enthusiasm for team members to share the vision.
  • Build Trust: Communicate a climate of trust, which encourages openness, the willingness to change and learn, as well as commitment to their plans.
  • Self Initiation: Leaders exercise self initiation and demonstrate commitment.

Our Value To You

In a highly competitive and uncertain marketplace, organisations’ success heavily depends on their ability to adapt to changes the speed these strategies are cascaded and rollout. The transformation is from a position of getting things done through Compliance to getting results from Commitment.

Quest Learning’s Transformational Leadership Solution focuses on changes leaders need to make to better motivate their employees and get their commitment, which leads to improved morale, performance and profits.


  • Build an increased awareness of your behaviour, needs & values, and how they impact your ability to effectively lead & influence others
  • Develop a personal plan for maximising your leadership effectiveness:
    • Learning what effective self-leadership is
    • Assessing your current strengths
    • Identifying your areas of opportunity for improvement
    • Completing the Leaders Development Plan to identify specific activities and behaviours which will result in increased leadership effectiveness.

Clients that have experience Transformational Leadership


Managing Performance For Results

Quest Learning’s Managing Performance Solution is the learning regimen for managers to improve productivity, quality and performance in the organisation.

Improving and maintaining high productivity and quality is a major concern to most organisations. Although many factors that influence performance are not directly influenced by managers (e.g. competition, the economy), many factors are under their control. Very often these manager-controlled factors are underutilized or improperly applied. The result is diminished productivity and job quality.

Fortunately, managers can learn skills and install procedures that research has shown will improve and maintain human performance. Managing Performance is a performance-oriented system that ensures managers learn and apply the techniques on the job.


Equip managers and leaders of high performance teams to:

  • Identify key areas of group and individual accountability
  • Develop performance objectives and standards in key results areas, define and set up KPIs to the team
  • Develop performance goals and action plans for each specific period that help employees achieve or exceed performance standards.
  • Administer positive reinforcement techniques to motivate employees.
  • Provide regular feedback, coach & counsel to overcome performance deficiencies
  • Learn how to prepare and conduct performance appraisal discussion

Creative Problem Solving & Decision-Making

Profitability, sales, efficiency or any other major business goals can only be met by solving the right problem, and making decisions that are -sensible, sound, clear and carefully thought out.

Reliance on past experience limits our capacity to see each problem in a fresh light, devise innovations/solutions and explore uncertain terrain.

This workshop first equips participants with the foundations of critical problem solving and decision making. It then helps participants to think deeper, and acquire creative capacities and tools for sound decisions making & effective problem-solving.


➢ Learn the rational problem-solving and decision-making process
➢ Learn to access untapped mental resources to create effective decisions to innovate on the job
➢ Organize and carry through decisions using a four-phase model
➢ Differentiate left and right brain thinking and apply each to various parts of the decision-making process
➢ Use tools such as Refining, Visioning, Uncertainty Coping, Risk Acceptance, Decision Framing, and many others to enhance creativity and eliminate barriers
➢ Identify their Decision-Making Profile and plan it individual development in decision-making

The Mental Toughness Program

Resilience, Perseverance And Performance Under Pressure

Every year an estimated 17 million work days are lost to stress, anxiety and depression, according to the Mental Health Foundation. Employers are increasingly recognising the damage that stress can do in the workplace, including:

  • Lost productivity due to staff absence;
  • Increased workloads for workers who have to cover their colleagues’ work;
  • Higher staff turnover.

Key to succeeding in these highly pressurised environments is to develop mental toughness – resilience, perseverance and the ability to perform under pressure.

Today’s modern world is both fast-paced and highly demanding. Professionals from all walks of life are expected to manage stress, while at the same time perform at their highest levels.

Building Mental Toughness: Resilience, Perseverance and Performing Under Pressure program provides essential tools and techniques to master your destiny, improve your resilience and motivation, and build mental toughness you need to achieve your goals.

The method used is the most simple, innovative, and effective process for developing superior mental toughness. It is designed to isolate, transform, maximize, and integrate the five skills of mental toughness for peak performance.

The Mental Toughness™ Outlines the Five Fundamentals for Attaining High-Level Success:

  • Composure Calmness, being in control of your state of mind, your bearing, and your appearance
  • Concentration Focusing on performing and ignoring distractions when it matters
  • Confidence Having the self-belief and trust in one’s capabilities
  • Cope-ability Overcoming adversities and setbacks well
  • Cohesion Giving and receiving social support to and from others

Unique Features & Benefits of the Program

  • Developed and delivered by industry-leading sport & performance psychologists who specialise in mental toughness strategies for success and peak performance under pressure
  • Targets the key motivational, behavioural and performance challenges that most performers face
  • Utilises applied, evidence-based methods that works in the real world
  • Adopts a competency-based assessment approach through the use of case studies, roleplays and practical examples.

The Managerial Moment Of Truth™

The Essential Steps In Helping People Improve Performance

Truth. It’s an ugly word but somebody’s got to say it. Managers, in particular, have got to say it, understand it, and utilize it in a manner that increases productivity and long-term growth.

Every day, you’re faced with situations that can mire your organisation in confusion, lack of accountability, and subpar outcomes – or that can improve performance, enhance communication, and create a high-octane culture of results. The difference is in how you approach these situations, these “managerial moment of truth”.

Truth telling is a tricky subject in any context. Although most organisation may have list of value statements that include “honesty” or “truth” or “integrity” in their mission statements, the question is: How does one put these values into practice?

Managerial Moment of Truth (MMOT) Solutions

  • The MMOT process provides managers a simple form to use so their chances of success increase. The benefits are not just to the bottom line of an organisation; it gives its people the very best chance to learn, improve, become better at their professions, and develop their capabilities, value to the organisations and career.
  • It is a tool for building high performing teams and leads to a more engaged workplace, raises productivity, cultivates imagination and creativity, creates trust, and develops relationships and communication in workplace.
  • It is also a leadership principle to become a more effective leader as well as manager. Superior leadership in an organisation has a transforming impact which can change the nature of how well a company can become its own predominant force, shaping its destiny and the good it can do in the organisation.


  • Learn the basic steps involved in a managerial moment of truth (MMOT)
  • Understand how to work with colleagues more productively through knowing how to manage candor
  • To improve leaders’ mentorship capability

Is there an area that we can help you with?


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